Write for Discoveny



Why write for Discoveny?

Being a guest blogger offers mutual benefits for both you, and us. It helps to keep our content fresh and allows us to add value for our readers. By sharing your expertise, you can establish yourself as a key figure in your niche and reach a wider audience through web and social media promotion.

By writing for Discoveny, you will:

  • Build backlinks and attract traffic back to your website 
  • Boost your domain authority 
  • Increase your brand credibility and awareness
  • Build your social media following through cross-promotion
  • Be part of an amazing travel-writer community


Discoveny is a blog for the sustainable traveller on a budget. The web is saturated with travel blogs, so we’re trying to be a little different. Our focus is on budget friendly and sustainable travel in Central America and Central Asia. We also accept content related to travel in and around Europe if its a place we’ve been to!

I want Discoveny to remain our personal blog, which means I need to be the main writer. However, we do accept guest posts if they fit our niche and add value for our readers.

We are looking for articles about sustainableeco-friendly, or ethical travel and informative articles relating to travelling in countries we’ve been to. We also enjoy ‘best-of’ articles (if previously discussed). We are not looking for journal-style articles about your personal travel stories. Although we love reading these, my family checks this site to keep up to date on my adventures, so Discoveny needs to remain somewhat personal for us!

How the process works


Get in touch with us! Fill out our contact form or drop us a message on Instagram. We believe the best content comes from a place of passion. We can discuss your ideas and find a subject that you love, and that fits our content too. 


Write up your post. Write your article in your own time using a Word Document or Google Document and let us know when it’s done. We understand how stressful deadlines can be, so we don’t use them. We appreciate if you let us know roughly when it’ll be finished though. 


The editing process begins. An author at Discoveny will edit your post to make sure it’s top-quality content. If we edit anything other than spelling/grammar, we’ll send it back to you for final approval. 


That’s it! You’re done! Discoveny will take over from here. We’ll format your post for the blog and carry out SEO checks to make sure your article has the top chance to rank on Google. All you have to do now is sit back and wait for it to be published. 


Promotion. When your post is published, we’ll promote it on our social channels and appreciate it if you do the same on yours. This helps maximise traffic to the article and increase your following. 

Guidelines for Content

General guidelines:

  • Our site exists to educate and inform readers. We want our articles to provide value to the reader, so keep this in mind when you’re writing. 
  • Content should not solely exist to advertise your site or product, but it’s completely fine to link to these where relevant!
  • Discoveny is our personal travel blog. In most cases, we do not feature the ‘personal travel accounts’ of others unless we’ve discussed it with you beforehand. If you’re unsure, drop us a message.

Content guidelines:

  • Content should be detailed and unique. We are ideally looking for articles of over 1000 words but we understand that this isn’t always possible. Don’t push yourself to write more than is needed. 
  • All content should be fact-checked. Please link to external articles when you take key figures from them to avoid plagiarism.
  • The topic should be relatively novel. There’s hundreds of articles written about ‘Things to do in London’ or ‘Budget travel in Europe’ and here at Discoveny, we don’t want to add to that pile unless we have an extremely new take on the subject (we may accept more general content for countries we have not yet written much about)
  • Images must be your own or free-to-use stock images (for legal reasons!). All images should be of high quality and relevant to the content. Check out Unsplash and Pixabay for free-to-use images. 

Copyright information:

  • Once a guest post is published, all written content is owned by Discoveny. 
  • This means should not publish exactly the same article on your own website, which negatively impacts visitor numbers for us both. 
  • Discoveny holds the rights to edit and adjust your post following publication.